For this reason, newcomers to natural healing will feel most comfortable with naturopathy. It is not like energy healing or acupuncture which to the sceptical can seem like a leap in the dark.
But beyond this, the comparison stops. Conventional medicine focuses on the physical and ignores the spirit. It concentrates on symptoms and uses chemicals and surgery to try to force the body to react differently. According to Naturopathy, these methods have side effects while the basic problems remain untreated.
For us, symptoms point to causes. Eczema, for example, is not a skin problem but the result of inner toxicity. So it should not be treated with cortisone creams for short term relief but detox.
Detox is a key element in so much of our healing because toxicity has become a factor of modern life.
Chemicals from food, medication and other environmental sources damage body cells. Metals from vaccines, mercury fillings, cosmetics, contaminated fish etc. linger in the body. They seriously impair functioning.
In addition, fungus and parasites are commonly found.
Detox is designed to help the body eliminate the toxins. Once this is done, the body functions properly again and health is restored. At the same time, it must be said that detox takes a variety of forms and we know very well that unless the detox programme is properly adjusted to you and your lifestyle, it won’t work. So detox programmes also need to be tailor made.
Finally, naturopathy associates illness with cosmic purpose. Illness is one of the foremost messages from the higher wisdom directing the universe that you’re drifting from the path intended for you in your life. This concerns such issues as: